Monday, December 23, 2019

Poverty And Its Effects On Society - 1557 Words

There is no They While we worry about dieting, 35,000 people starve to death every day. (rsrevision) From crib to grave, one s life chances are dictated by the abnormal evels of inequality that construe the modern world. A girl born in California will most certainly live to old age; However if she is born in West Africa, she has a one in four chance of dying before her 5th birthday. These discouraging truths envelope our everyday realities, and the single most poignant factor is poverty; which is arguably the most far-reaching, long-standing cause of chronic suffering there is. Poverty is a severely embedded wound that infiltrates every aspect of culture and society. It may include a lack of services for education, health care, stores and governmental structures; Thus leading to a depletion of communal facilities like water, sanitation, transportation, roads, and communication. There’s been former disputes regarding the morality of chronic widespread poverty and what an acceptable level of inequality may look like. However, if one wants to better understand where poverty come s from, they have to start with the simple sociological fact that patterns of inequality are developed due to both how social systems are formulated, and how individuals choose to engage in them. Most people would come to agree that there are no single causes of poverty; however, just taking into account the distinctive histories and circumstances of countries and regions one can see that there areShow MoreRelatedPoverty and Its Effect on Society1421 Words   |  6 PagesPOVERTY AND ITS EFFECT ON SOCIETY Poverty and its Effect on Society Le’Quisha Davis SOC 100 – Introduction to Sociology Professor Lisa Riggleman-Gross January 29, 2012 Abstract The United States has one of the strongest economies in the world. 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