Saturday, December 7, 2019

Developing Corporate Strategic Framework

Question: Discuss about the Developing Corporate Strategic Framework. Answer: Introduction Corporate social responsibility refers to practices initiated to be responsible to the surrounding that an organization operates in. It involves being responsible to the environment and wellbeing of the society. Sustainability refers to best practices adopted by an organization to ensure that its operations or products does not cause harm to consumers or environment (Jab?o?ski, 2016). Corporate social responsibility and sustainability policies enable organizations conduct their businesses ethically and with good harmony to the environment and human beings (Jones et al, 2009). Recently, they have been used by companies strategically to meet organizational objectives (Sapovadia, n.d.). This report will assess Mc Donalds approach to corporate social responsibility and sustainability in Australia. This will involve assessing policies formulated and being practiced in the organization to ensure business is carried out ethically across the supply chain and their contribution to a healthy society. The report will also assess the approach of the company in managing cultures and diversity of employees. The report will therefore end by concluding ideas I wish to implement in my managerial career in future. Context of the Company Mc Donalds opened its first restaurant in Australia in 1971. The company is owned by it parent company Mc Donalds in USA. Since 1971, the company has open more than 900 restaurants in Australia. The company employs 90000 workers that form 7% of the Australian workforce. The company serves more than one million customers around Australia per day. The Company is also estimated to account for 0.2% of the Australian GDP (, 2017). The company is involved in cooking and selling of fast food in their resultants around the country. They depend on relation to receive and operate franchises restaurants. Therefore the company formulates policies to ensure that subsidiaries and franchise operating under Mc Donalds brand name operate to meet the companys objectives and standards. Corporate Social Responsibility of MC Donalds Mc Donalds has an active role in the society. The company has a heritage of supporting community in improving their well being. It has a commitment to charities and funds rise to respond to emerging problems in the society. The company has society commitment to Ronald Mc Donald charities. This charity is dedicated to children undergoing difficult situation. The company organizes a Mc happy Day every year to solicit funds to contribute in the charity. It dedicates 2 dollars for every sell of Big Mac. Apart from charities, the company is involved in other supporting activities. These activities enable the society lead an active lifestyle, motivate learning and take care of the environment. Supporting activities that enable people lead an active lifestyle is meant to improve the health of the society (Wellard et al, 2012). The company focuses encouraging children to participate in sporting activities by providing an opportunity. An opportunity to play enables children practice active lifestyles that have health benefits. By sponsoring sports, the company contributes to the society having healthy individuals (Szczuka, 2015). Mc Donalds supports Little Athletics, Basketball Victoria, Swimming Queensland and South Australian National Football league. These sports are junior development programs around Australia to facilitate children lead an active lifestyle. The second activity supported by MC Donalds is developing skills and motivating young generation to learn. This activity involv es collaborating with learning institutions to develop skills. The company is committed to programs that facilitate development of skills and talents. These programs include Virtual Business Club, Sydney Eisteddfod and Quality Puppet Program. These activities span from primary schools to technical schools. These programs stimulate learning and develop skills to the community. The other corporate social responsibility is care for environment. The company contribution to the environment is part of the company strategy. The company supports in solving environmental issues to ensure the surrounding is provided support to restore to good condition (Tilt, 2016). The Company sponsors Clean-Up Australia program that is meant to clean the dirty streets in Australia. The company also supports Earth Hour initiative by World Wildlife Fund that aims at lowering the effects of global warming. These corporate social responsibility policies of the company enable the company relate responsibility with it external environment for well being of the community. Sustainability policies of Mc Donalds Mc Donalds being a fast food outlet is faced by urge to sustain several stakeholders. These stakeholders include children, animals and customers. The company has sustainability policies that ensure operations are carried responsibly for the well being of the parties involved. The company is involved in the following policies for sustainability; First, is keeping food safe. This policy ensures that the company is providing safest food to its customers. This is met by ensuring that the stringent food safety procedures are met. These procedures are placed in all stages to ensure the company has HACCP approach. Priority to safe food ensures that food does not harm the health of their customers (Wellard et al, 2012). Second sustainability policy is menu choice. The company has a commitment to helping customers choose healthier meals. The company incorporates new practices from research institutions to offer it customer with healthy food (Brown, L., 2010). The company works with Dieticians to ensure ingredients used in preparations of the meals in the company have nutritional value that is desirable. For instance, the company recently reduced sugar content and sodium by 5% and 20% respectively (, 2017). Thirdly, the Company has a policy of responsible marketing to kids. The company recognize the fact that it a favorite outlet for children. This responsibility involves advertisements that do not entice children to consume too much citing the inability of kids to control their consumption habits. The policy is met to only advertise healthier food. Spicy and sugary foods are not to be advertised to kids below 14 years. Another sustainability policy for Mc Donald is animal welfare. The company has a working relation with suppliers to ensure that animals supplied for meat have humane treatment. The company ensures the suppliers production units are checked regularly to ensure standards are met. An auditor is deployed to check production plants. Lastly, the company has a policy of availing nutritional information to customers. This policy is meant to enable customers make informed decisions about their consumptions (Trong, 2012). The policy requires labeling of food by percentages for easy understanding of the contents. Form this assessment, Mc Donald strives to formulate sustainable policies to ensure operations is carried out with dignity and standards are met for the common good of all stakeholders. Managing Culture and Diversity of Employment in MC Donalds Mc Donald Australia has for many years branded itself as employer of opportunities. The company employs around 90000people in Australia. This number accounts for 7% of the Austrlaina workforce. These individuals are drawn from different backgrounds and join the company to work for the same objectives. The company manages culture and diversity in the following way; First, the company ensures a fair workplace for all employees. The company gives equal opportunities to promotion and their dignity is maintained. It also creates a workplace enviromnet that is free from discrimination. Second, the company ensures that there is inclusion of diversity. The company is takes inclusive approach when recruiting employees. The company recognizes differences and values individual contributions to the organization. The organization incorporates positive procedures to enhance employees are satisfied and feel they have equal opportunities for growth (, 2017). Third, the company gives preference to training and developing skills among indigenous Australians. This is done through provision of employement opportunities and trainning Lastly, the company is committed to promotion by merits. The company offers equal opportunities to all employees in every stage. Employees are give promotions on merits. From this assessment, Mc Donald has a good structure put in place for managing culture and diversity in the organization. This ensures job satisfaction in the organization amongst employees increasing productivity and compliance. Conclusion From the assessment, it can be concluded that Mc Donald approach to corporate social responsibility and sustainability has standardized policies that ensure the company practices and engages with activities that enhance well being of the environment and the community. The company also has a good management practices for culture and diversity enhancing job satisfaction and positive contributions from all employees. From the report, I have spotted three ideas that I will adopt in future as a manager; Participating in community based projects that are related to the welfare of my companys stakeholders. Formulating policies that ensure operations and product/services in the organization are of high standards and are able to benefict customers as intented while protecting the weak parties. Adopting professionalism in managing culture and diversity by ensuring promotion is done on merits, fair workplace and equal opportunities for all employees to enhance job sartisfaction. References Brown, L., (2010). Ethical Supply Chains The New Black, . MHD Supply Chain Solutions,, vol. 40. No. 3.(May-June pp. 72-75.). Jab?o?ski, A. (2016). Scalability of Sustainable Business Models in Hybrid Organizations. Sustainability, 8(3), p.194. Johnston, A. (n.d.). Constructing Sustainability Through CSR: A Critical Appraisal of ISO 26000. SSRN Electronic Journal. Jones, B., Bowd, R. and Tench, R. (2009). Corporate irresponsibility and corporate social responsibility: competing realities. Social Responsibility Journal, 5(3), pp.300-310. (2017). Our Story | About Macca's | McDonald's AU. [online] Available at: [Accessed 21 Jan. 2017]. (2017). Quality Sustainability | About Macca's | McDonald's AU. [online] Available at: [Accessed 21 Jan. 2017]. Sapovadia, V. (n.d.). Developing Corporate Strategic Framework to Enhance Sustainability Through CSR. SSRN Electronic Journal. Szczuka, M. (2015). Social Dimension of Sustainability in CSR Standards. Procedia Manufacturing, 3, pp.4800-4807. Tilt, C. (2016). Corporate social responsibility research: the importance of context. International Journal of Corporate Social Responsibility, 1(1). Trong Tuan, L. (2012). Corporate social responsibility, ethics, and corporate governance. Social Responsibility Journal, 8(4), pp.547-560. Wellard, L., Glasson, C. and Chapman, K. (2012). Fries or a fruit bag? Investigating the nutritional composition of fast food childrens meals. Appetite, 58(1), pp.105-110

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