Saturday, September 28, 2019

Chautauquas Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

Chautauquas - Essay Example Dilaura explains that note taking process involves writing notes that supplement the lecture notes that will enable effective mastering of the subject under study. Note taking starts by listening and seeing, the art of listening requires that one be active in judging, evaluating and relating the issues being presented. Listening intently enables one to gather the main points that give meaning to the information being provided. Recording of this information is the next step in taking notes. These notes are study aids and therefore they can be graphs, drawings, sketches that illustrate points presented in the lecture (Dilaura 28). A look into the lecture notes after the class is over allows one to fill in the details that are vital in understanding the concepts presented by the lecturer. Formulating questions that aid in the study is the next step of note taking. The questions, drawings, graphs will provide the student with an easier task when going through the notes (Dilaura 33). This also allows one to have knowledge of the areas that may not be clear therefore allowing one to approach their lecturers for assistance. In not taking the key ideas should be separated from the supporting explanations such as drawings, graphs, equations. This is by providing a space between key ideas for these annotations. COA1011 is a course that I find to be the most interesting of all lectures I have attended. This is because it is an engaging course. Apart from providing an understanding of the world of design this course allows one to feed their curiosity by providing students with the chance to air their ideas. It provides an environment for challenging one another in the process of re-inventing the existing ideas. The course encourages aspiring architectures to be critical when making inquiries, when making observations as well as when putting their ideas into creations. Being a supervised

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