Friday, September 27, 2019

Can streaming transform the music industry in the same way it has Essay

Can streaming transform the music industry in the same way it has transformed the television industry with Netflix - Essay Example Examples of streaming media include the radio and television. On the other hand, the non-streaming media include books, video cassettes, and even audio CDs. Out of the two categories, the former has a higher level of success as it has been a faster and more efficient mode of information transfer, which makes it the most liked by millions of people across the globe. This research paper, therefore, seeks to explain whether streaming can transform the music industry in the same way it has transformed the television industry with Netflix. Streaming has over the years helped in transforming the television industry. These developments have also been witnessed in the music industry. Music lovers no longer need to be held siege of fulfilling their music passions by waiting for the broadcasting channels to air their favorite music videos. This is because they have the power to control what they want to listen to, where they wish to listen it, and when they wish to listen to it. However, streaming has brought with it its share of challenges as it has made the industry player draw their battle lines of who to take credit for some gains in the steaming industry. A case in point is the case of Taylor Swift pulling all her albums from Spotify, a popular streaming service (Carlson, 2014). She cited her reasons that she did not want to be part to the players who were shrinking the music sales (Davidson, 2014). Pulling an anti-streaming stance was meant to send out a message that the music industry thrived better in the non-strea ming media (Dredge, 2014); a move I entirely support. For a long time, the music industry has by large operated in the non-streaming platform. Though it has had its share of success, there has been increasing pressure by the music fans to increase the steaming of some music content to increase their accessibility (Dredge, 2014). This

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