Friday, October 11, 2019

Analyzing the Syllogisms

All college students are required to take a Humanities class.Critical Thinking is a Humanities class.All college students take Critical Thinking.  This syllogism is inductive. I believe this to be true because one of the premises is probable; it is possible for the conclusion to be false. Students may take a humanity class other than critical thinking. I do not think this syllogism is deductively valid because one of the premises may not be true and that could make the conclusion is false. The premises are: All college students are required to take a Humanities class, and all college students take Critical Thinking. The conclusion is critical thinking is a humanities class. Syllogism 2All college students study. Ernie is a college student. Therefore, Ernie studies. This syllogism is deductive. I believe this to be true because it is formed from general to particular and general truth applies. This syllogism is deductively valid because the premises are true causing the conclusion t o be true. Premises: All college students study and Ernie is a college student. Conclusion, Therefore, Ernie studies.Syllogism 3All college students attend class. Cindy attends class. Therefore, Cindy is a college student. This syllogism is deductive. This is deductive because the conclusion is true based on premises that are true or accepted as true. This is deductively valid because all true premises led to a true conclusion. Premises: All college students attend class and Cindy attends class. Conclusion: Therefore, Cindy is a college student.Syllogism 4Two girls submit an assignment, The two submissions are identical, Therefore, two girls worked together on their assignment.

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