Saturday, August 3, 2019

The Lunar Landing Hoax Theory - Evidence Pro and Con Essay -- Argument

The Lunar Landing Hoax Theory - Evidence Pro and Con A cash reward of $100,000 was offered to anyone who could prove, with conclusive physical evidence, the existence of the moon. This reward still remains unclaimed ("The Moon-The Real Truth"). After all, how does one know for sure the moon even exists? Even if it does exist, how does one prove it? That's what NASA set out to do in the late 1960's. On July 20, 1969 Neil Armstrong planted the first human footprints in the lunar soil. The United States had accomplished their goal in sending men to the moon. They managed to not only send them 238,857 mi. (384,403 km) into space to our neighbor celestial body, but also send them back with a successful flight to our mother earth. This seems like a difficult task for a country that was behind Russia in space exploration at the time. So, did NASA actually have enough technology to do this? Even though many Americans believe that the United States sent men to the moon in 1969, there are a few who believe that the moon landing was a hoax. A 1999 Gallup poll showed that 6% of Americans have doubts about the moon landing. Even though 6% of Americans doesn't sound like a lot, it translates to millions of people (Plait). It would have been easier to fake all the photographs in the Nevada desert in Area 51 than to actually perform the mission to the moon. However, NASA did indeed have the technology in the late 1960's to send men to the moon, and all the evidence they brought back proves it. On July 16, 1969 the space ship Apollo 11 left from Kennedy Space Center en route to the moon. The crew consisted of Neil A. Armstrong, the commander; Edwin E. Aldrin, the jr. lunar module pilot; and Michael Collins, the commander module pilot... ...aphs and videos ("Proof"). This is a matter of physics. No one can physically prove that the US landed on the moon. So, will Americans ever know the real truth about the moon landings? What one's eyes see, one believes. So, from all the evidence that NASA obtained, it proves that they really did send men to the moon in 1969. Works Cited "Apollo Investigation." Aulis online. 11 Feb. 2001. 9 Dec. 2001 <>. Dumoulin, Jim. "Apollo 11." Kennedy Space Center Launching A Vision. 12 Dec. 2001. 13 Dec. 2001 <>. "The Moon-The Real Truth." Reptilian Research. 9 Dec. 2001 <>. Plait, Phil. "Fox TV and the Apollo Moon Hoax." Bad Astronomy. 3 Dec. 2001. 6 Dec. 2001 <>. "Proof." Red Zero. 8 Sept. 2001. 6 Dec. 2001 <>.

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