Wednesday, July 31, 2019

If i were the principal

If you were the Principal of your school†¦ The Principal of your home school has taken a leave of absence and you have been appointed to fill In during his absence. What are the three main changes you would make to your school to make learning easier for you and the students? I would make some classes shorter. I would have lots ot fun. I will let some things go If the kids are getting their work done. DA The first thing I would do Is make my classes smaller. At my home school It Is about twenty-five kids to a class.I would make it about ten kids so it can be easier and less hassle. I would assign about two teachers to a class to help out more. one teacher can teach the whole class and the other can get some individual teaching done. The last thing I would do is make games out of the class work at the end of every week and have prizes or extra credit for the winners. This would encourage the kids to want to learn. MB I would assign games that would help us learn. I would also mak e sure that the work would have some type of fun with It.I would also assign extra teachers so they would understand better. CM I would allow all the students to have a pair of headphones because I think you will probably get more work and stuff done if you have something taking the distractions away. would allow the students to work together except for on exams and tests because that would not only make learning easier but demonstrate team work too, The last thing I would do is permit all the teachers in the school to hand out NO homework because when the kids leave from school that's the ast thing they want to be worrying about.I dont think homework does anything anyway except make things harder on kids, especially teens. J3 It I were principal ot my school. I would have more hands-on activities, more study hall, and more educational movies. DM Three things would do to make things easier to learn are: students allowed to help each other; students allowed to stay after school in li brary to do homework/any work; make sure students are doing work at their level.RC I would allow all the students to ave a pair of headphones because think you will probably get more work and stuff done if you have something taking the distractions away. I would allow the students to work together except for on exams and tests because that would not only make learning easier but demonstrate team work too. The last thing I would do is permit all the teachers In the school to hand out NO homework because when the kids leave from school that's the last thing they want to be worrying about.I don't think omework does anything anyway except make things harder on kids. especially teens. JB Three things I would do to make things easier to learn are: students allowed to help have a pair of headphones because I think you will probably get more work and stuff the teachers in the school to hand out NO homework because when the kids leave homework does anything anyway except make things harder o n kids, especially If I were principal of my school, I would have more hands-on activities, more study make sure students are doing work at their level. RC

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